Fat or Carb Blockers or Binders - What Do I Need?

If you're considering using a fat loss supplements such as a fat or carb blocker or binder, but aren't sure of what kind to use, you first need to check your diet and ask yourself this:

Am I consuming too many carbohydrates or too many fats?

This is extremely important as some people tend to jump on the band wagon of the latest weight loss supplement to hit the stores, only to find out they haven't addressed their diet clearly enough.

We put on weight because we simply eat more calories than we can burn each day - that's the simple fact of the matter.

Now, if you're consuming a lot of unhealthy fats, these in short include :

Unhealthy Fats
  • Commercially baked pastries, cakes, pizza's
  • Fried foods
  • Butter, cheese, ice cream, lard
  • Candy, crisps, chips
  • Whole fat dietary products
  • High fat cuts of meat
  • Microwaved foods
These are both trans fats and saturated fats, but in essence both are unhealthy fats.
Therefore, if it's these types of food you are consuming each day, then when choosing a fat loss supplement, you should opt for a fat blocker or a fat binder.

There are some products which combine both the binding and blocking of fats, however each can be individually effective on their own.

Unhealthy Carbs
  • Processed foods, cakes, chips, biscuits
  • Enriched pasta
  • Sweetened fizzy drinks
  • White sugar
  • Refined white rice
  • White bread
These are unhealthy carbs if consumed regularly without any exercise and as you can see, cakes, cookies and chips contain unhealthy carbs and fats so best avoided altogether if you're serious about your diet.

So when it comes to addressing diets that consume high levels of unhealthy fats or carbs, both types of supplements effectively work the same way.

Fat/Carb Binding:

Simply, you take a fat or carb binding supplement approximately 30 minutes prior to your main meal then when you eat, the supplements ingredients attach themselves to the fatty acids or carbs in the meal, restricting them from being digested, where they then pass on and out through the body.

Of these supplements, Proactol is probably the most capable of fat binder's, binding up to about 27% of your fat intake per meal.

For carbohydrate binders, there are very few of these on the market and the simple reason for this is, is that carbs are more important to our health than fats, although healthy fats are still needed.

However, the science of binding digested carbohydrates has not been perfected, and as such supplements are unable to distinguish between unhealthy and healthy carbs, and as binders tend to be more effective than blocking supplements, it's as yet, not advisable to take this type of dietary pill.

Fat/Carb Blockers

Fat and carb blockers work by restricting certain enzymes from breaking down these unhealthy foods, blocking up to a certain percentage of absorption of fat or carbohydrate into the blood stream.

Phen375 and Adiphene appear to be most popular in the West for blocking fats, where as Adiphene is also one of the few that blocks carbs, although to a lesser extent than unhealthy fats consumed, but it is still argued to be effective at its task.

Bottom line:

Work out what kind of foods you're over indulging in that are adding to the calories, then decide for yourself whether you'd like to assist your diet with a supplement that blocks or binds unhealthy fats or carbs, to speed up your diet plan effectively.

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For what are considered some of the best fat and carb blocking and binding supplements of 2013:
Click here or Visit 7 Weightloss Supplements to Blast Off Fat!

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