Weight Loss - Removing Mental Blocks to Your Success

What is a mental block to weight loss?

It is an excuse you accept that allows you to give up on your goal of weight loss.

The more valid it seems, the more powerful it is in stopping you from pursuing your goal.

If you want any thing in life, I believe you have to be a bit unreasonable. You have to be stubborn and demand of yourself that you want it and you are going to get it.

"I have the fat gene -- fat just runs in my family."

"I have a slow metabolism."

"I can't give up my cultural heritage of (Fill in the blank)..."

The genetics argument -- the metabolism excuse -- the fact that you are "locked into" a particular traditional diet that is fattening: ALL these excuses, these mental blocks to weight loss don't hold water when you look at them objectively.

Who is spooning all that fattening food into your mouth? Who is stopping you from getting a moderate amount of exercise?

The weakest excuse of them all is that it's too much trouble to cook healthy foods, to learn how, or to find healthy alternatives when eating out, etc., etc.

The bottom line is that being overweight is not only a cosmetic issue, it is -- to varying degrees -- a life and death health issue. If you are a little overweight today and you keep doing what you did to get to this point, you will probably get heavier and heavier as the years roll by.

In the end, our growing weight problem will kill us if we let it. Worse than that, it will take much of the pleasure out of our final years, if not make them a living Hell.

Here is something I believe most younger people don't realize -- the cumulative effect of gaining a few pounds each year of your life is devastating!

But, caught up in a busy life, it is easy to stop noticing two more pounds a year until you begin experiencing diabetes symptoms or the early signs of heart disease. When you reach that point, it's much harder to make the radical changes necessary to lose 80 or 100 pounds.

I call this the Boiled Frog Syndrome. For many people, the tendency is to just give up when they experience some real health challenges. They're tired of denying themselves favorite foods, now they're sick, and it's just easier to give up the struggle.

And so, they totally surrender to their mental blocks to weight loss. And this speeds their decline toward death.

There is a weight loss answer that works. It is a way of eating and living that solves the problem of weight gain and the health challenges that come from eating our thoroughly unnatural standard American diet.

Looked at objectively, the All-American diet is practically guaranteed to cause weight gain and disease over the course of fifty or sixty years. The high levels of fats and sugars, and the low levels of the living nutrients our bodies actually need to maintain themselves, combined with the many chemical toxic additives that preserve and enhance the flavor of our foods are a sure recipe for weight gain and disease.

Our minds can come up with any number of clever excuses why it is not possible for us to live up to our potential. It is helpful to develop a strong "Super-Ego" to play referee and make the final call on getting what we want in weight loss and in life.

Who is in charge of your life anyway? You... or your mental blocks to weight loss?

If you are one of the rare individuals who is not willing to let mental blocks to weight loss stop you from obtaining the health and appearance you desire, visit my Web site to learn more about the diet, the lifestyle,
and the mindset that make it all possible: http://www.healthyplanetdiet.com

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