The Top Three Fat Burning Exercise Programs

Here's the good news: Exercise helps you burn fat faster and more efficiently so you enabling you to loose weight. And here's the bad news: Exercise requires effort and consistency in order for it to work. And to make it more challenging, fat burning workouts make you sweat and breath heavily, making it even more challenging. Whether you decide to workout at home with exercise videos, hit the trail and run or walk, or head to your local gym and jump on the elliptical trainer, know that the best fat burning workout is the one that you do consistently.

Cardio Kickboxing:

Most gyms or health clubs have these classes most every day, or pick up a few exercise videos and workout at home. Either way, Cardio Kickboxing burns between 600 to 900 calories per hour. The amount of calories you burn will depend upon your current fitness level and the amount of effort you put out. But not only will you burn tons of calories, but it's great to tone your abs, and who doesn't want great looking abs?

Make sure to practice good form with this workout by pivoting from your hips and using control while punching and kicking.

Hill Walking:

Walking is great, but to really burn fat, find some hills and start walking. The hills will not only increase your fat burn by between 25% to 40% depending upon the hill, but it will also target the muscles in the back of your leg and your butt! If you're new to exercise, take the hills in intervals and take your time. You don't need to go fast, but by adding hills to your walking you'll see results faster. If you're in a town without hills, find the local overpasses and go up and down, then turn around and do it again.

Indoor Group Cycling:

OK, this one does require a gym membership but it is amazing. You can burn 900 calories in one hour with this workout. This workout is lead by an instructor, and she will give you instructions on when to speed up, increase the tension of the bike or when to stand out of the saddle. It's amazing and a total blast. It's been one of the most popular group exercise classes in gyms for over ten years for two reasons: Because it burns tons of calories and because it's totally fun!

Remember, the best way to keep weight off is to choose workouts that you naturally enjoy and that work easily into your lifestyle. But don't be afraid to try new things. And anytime you try a new workout, give the workout at least four tries before you decide it's the right workout for you.
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Pascale Vandenbroucke is the Creative Director of Workouts On Demand. They offer instant access to over 190 streaming exercise videos for only pennies a day. From yoga and pilates, to kickboxing and toning, to salsa aerobics and low impact, download your exercise videos from Workouts On Demand today.
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