Overweight & Pregnant - Tips For Safely Losing Weight During Pregnancy

Overweight & Pregnant

Many women gain excess weight during pregnancy but this is not an ideal situation as being overweight and pregnant can cause complications during the pregnancy as well as during and after giving birth. Having an excellent nutritional diet plan can ensure that both mother and baby are getting the essential vitamins and nutrients as well as ensure that mom does not gain excess weight during the nine months.

A good start is to cut back is on empty calories such as soft drinks, desserts and fast foods and carbohydrates. It is ideal to consume 6 small nutritional meals a day and start eating fresh fruit and vegetables as well as whole grains. Researchers have shown that pregnant women tend to gain less weight when they eat smaller meals and should you be craving then eat nuts and dried fruit.

Here are some tips for safely losing weight during pregnancy:
  • If you are planning on becoming pregnant you should start maintaining a healthy eating pattern and get used to the idea of doing daily exercises in order to reach your ideal weight before falling pregnant

  • Consult a dietitian or your doctor and ask them for a recommended diet and exercise plan. Once you have conceived then you need to you need to change your exercise protocol and join an exercise class specially for pregnant moms which will not only control your weight gain but will help make the birthing a lot easier.

  • You need to eat foods that are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, Vitamins B as well as folic acid. In the morning make sure that you have a full breakfast and then at 10a.m a healthy snack. At lunch time have you main meal then at 3pm you can have a nutritional snack and for dinner a light meal and at 9pm have another snack. This will help to stabilize your blood sugars and will also allow you to get a good night's rest.

  • In the morning and the evening it is wise to take a brisk walk as jogging and any strenuous exercises are not advisable when you are pregnant. If you are not used to doing exercises you need to o really slowly as you could inflict damage on yourself as well as the baby which could induce an early labor. The ideal exercise programs are walking, swimming and toning exercises which can be done for 30 minutes a day.
Exercises such as kegels and pelvic rocking is excellent and swimming is one of the very best low impact exercises that is completely safe when pregnant and has been known to reduce your pain medications during childbirth. Mothers that are overweight and pregnant need to really make an effort to eat correctly and maintain their weight. However losing weight during pregnancy is not an ideal situation all moms need to do is eat the right kinds of foods.

If you follow the correct tips for safely losing weight during pregnancy you are assured of not gaining excess weight which will be much harder to lose once the baby is born.

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John is a writer interested in health, fitness and other topics. His newest interest is Vancouver therapeutic massage therapists http://www.massagetherapyvancouver.org/what-are-the-benefits-of-vancouver-therapeutic-massage/. Come visit his latest site that discusses the best Surrey massage therapy clinic http://www.massagetherapyvancouver.org/massage-therapy-clinic-surrey/

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